DMG Team believes in the power of social media as a form of internet marketing. The team’s creative contents help company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. Apart from increasing site traffic, we also provide our customer a valuable venue for better understanding and learning from the target audience. Our professional DMG Team is quite capable of developing of social media marketing strategy for all kind of business firms.
Our tested steps to build result oriented strategy are-
If your business wants to reach a wide audience, run an advertisement and post live videos, FB page is the best solution. As you know, there are over 2 Bn daily active users which consist of 56% men and 44% women of all age ranges.
Twitter, that mostly suits for timely update, provides customer services, or shares relevant articles is also popular among many businesses. Having 335m monthly active user, Twitter seems to be very popular for 18-29 years olds.
When you think about B2Bs, LinkedIn has full leverage with 467m active members. It is the ultimate channel for professional connections, share industry and company news, and post a job.
If you are in the e-commerce business, Pinterest, with its 175m monthly active users, can be very useful for sharing product, photos, drive website traffic and increase sales.
Youtube is very suitable for business that wants to share instructional video, or product review videos. It has more than 1.57Bn monthly active users.
Instagram is preferred by visual brands that want to share photos and videos of their products, staffs, and customers. You can reach over 600m active users consists mostly youth segment.
The most effective channel in the world is FACEBOOK and if you have a website, you must have a facebook business page.
DMG TEAM, Level-4 Concept Tower(Green Road)
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