Active Directory Service

Active Directory (AD) is a well known directory service developed by Microsoft for Windows domain network.

Active Directory Server is a tool which is very efficient to control domain properly. By this service you can manage everything with a few clicks. Suppose, IT administrators of a company can manage accounts or install specific programs and also update all systems of all computers. It also permits the management of an organization to store data providing authentication.

Active Directory – Networking Service:–

Benefits of Active Directory:

Centralized Maintained

To maintain Centralized resources and security administration

Optimized For Speed

It will help to get good speed

Save time and money

To increase scalability & Sharing all recourses easily which save Time & Money

Creating & maintaining user accounts

By this service, it is easier to manage with proper security. Don’t need to have a username and password in every application database because of central control.

Windows RSAT

IT will provide Windows Remote Server Administration Tools Support

Develop a model

Develop a model of role based access control for applications and for directory management, you can use group memberships



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